
Dr Dinah Parums has medical degrees from the University of Cambridge (BA, MA) and Oxford University Medical School (BM, BCh). Her PhD is in experimental pathology (cellular pathology and immunopathology) from the University of Cambridge.
During her postgraduate medical career, Dinah was awarded research fellowships from the British Heart Foundation, Wolfson College, Oxford and Darwin College, Cambridge and held visiting fellowships at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Stanford University Medical School, USA.
Dinah’s postgraduate specialist training was in surgical and anatomic pathology at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford where she was a Clinical Lecturer and Clinical Tutor, University of Oxford. She was awarded Membership of the Royal College of Pathologists (MRCPath) in 1991 and elected to the Fellowship (FRCPath) in 1999. In 1999, she was awarded the Fellowship of the American College of Chest Physicians (FCCP).
Dinah has held senior clinical (Consultant) and academic (Senior Lecturer) positions at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, University of London and University of Cambridge. She has been a research supervisor for five PhD students at the universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Newcastle, and has been a PhD examiner for the universities of Oxford, Cambridge and London. From 1995 to 2002, she was External Examiner for the Royal College of Pathologists, and provided specialist pathology consult services for the Royal College of Surgeons. She has more than ten years of experience working as a consultant to the pharmaceutical industry and as a Principal Pharmaceutical Physician.
Dinah has more than 40 peer-reviewed publications and more than 20 years of experience in postgraduate medical teaching and in reviewing manuscripts for biomedical journals. She has worked as a Clinical Editor for the British Medical Journal (BMJ).
In support of her current role, Dr Dinah Parums is a member of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA), the European Medical Writers Association (EMWA) and the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP). She is familiar with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and the Good Publication Practice (GPP3) guidelines.
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Academia.edu profile and publications:
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